Miracles - wOrship- Relationship - Entertaining His Presence


Personal Healing Miracle


Hi, my name is Jalisa Ingram and today I would love to share a little of my testimony. 

December 23, 2018 my now husband proposed to me and it was beautiful, however after that I started to bleed. Not thinking too much into it I went on about my week. Experiencing normal menstrual cycles in the past I thought it was normal. Not realizing that it wasn't. That menstrual cycle lasted for about 4 months straight without going off. It went off for one week after our wedding then came back on. 

To speed up the story, my husband and I went to the doctor in July 2019 to see what was going on and to our surprise there was no sign of health problems. 

Very puzzled, we went to seek spiritual help because we knew we were dealing with a spiritual attack on my womb. Prayer after prayer nothing happened. 

Now we're in January 2020 and still bleeding. Granted I had a few times throughout the months where I wouldn't bleed for like a week but it was rare. 

January 2020 God spoke to my husband to go to Moravian Falls, in particular Angel Cabin. A place we'd never been, we just knew Bobby Connor had stayed in this cabin. 

Upon arriving we met Mark. My husband informed him prior to staying about my condition. Mark prayed BUT he said we needed prayer from his wife Nancy and Susan. 

So before we left Nancy and Susan came to the cabin to pray for me, they informed me that I would stop bleeding. That night I went to the bathroom and noticed the bleeding easing up. The next day a little more, the next day OFF! Almost immediately God had changed my situation.

I said all that to say these two women positioned themselves to pray blessings over my womb and now I can honestly say I feel whole again! We are waiting patiently on our sweet babies which I think is VERY close!

Nancy Brown